Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Mental Map


This is mental map from a 6th grader. It seems he's mapped out what he remembers of some streets near an elementary school. Mental maps are just that: maps created by one's memories. One person's mental map will most likely never be the same of another persons'. People's perceptions of certain areas will always be different.

Star plots


Star plots are used to show multivariate data for one topic. This star plot shows different aspects to a car and places values on each one according to where it's located on the plot. According to the plot, "cylinders" at the end of the radius represents the cylinders of the most powerful car. The blue block (the star plot) then shows us where the car we are looking at falls along that radius. This is useful to people because they can look at one product and compare how it rates to the best product on the market.

Correlation matrix


Correlation matrices show correspondence between all pairs of data. This above matrix shows the correlation between proteins. Correlated behavior is shown by colors. Red shows high correlation while blue shows low correlation.

Similarity matrix


Similarity matrices are made to show similarities between two data points. The higher the score, the more similar the characters. Low scores correlate with dissimilar points. Linear transformation under two different bases such as the one above, represents matrices that are very much alike.

Stem and leaf plot


Stem and leaf plots are great for presenting qualitative data in a way that is easy to visualize and understand, a lot like a histogram. This stem and leaf shows infant mortality rates per 1,000 live births in Western Africa.

Box plot


Boxplots are made to summarize data that is measured in intervals. This box plot shows winning numbers in a lottery three different times. The median for each set is shown by the black line in the red boxes. In this plot, the medians are all nearly the same.



Histograms are designed to show distribution of data in a way that makes it easy for people to compare visually. This histogram shows the frequency and arrivals per minute. For example at 6 arrivals per minute there was a frequency of about a 6 or 7.

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Triangular plot


A triangular plot displays three variables presented in a triangle so it is easy to compare the data. This plot shows the percentage of conservative, liberal, and labour votes.



Windroses are on maps to show how wind speed and direction are distributed at a particular location. This  windrose shows that there is a higher wind speed towards the west.



Climographs graphically depict monthly precipitation and temperature. This is a graph charts the monthly precipitation and temperature for Moscow, Russia.

Population profile


Population profile maps are designed to show demographic grouping. This map shows ages of males and females in the United States.



Scatterplots display values for a set of two variables for a set of data. This is a scatterplot of two Old Faithful eruptions. It shows how many minutes are in between the two eruptions and the eruption duration.

Index value plot


Index value plots are designed to indicate absolute numbers and values. This map shows the expected percentage of average streamflow index in North Carolina from 1999 to 2008.